Monday, August 11, 2008

Tqm Implementation Project Part 5a The Improve Phase How To Do It

Writen by LM Foong

This TQM article is a continuation of the Part 4a article, the IMPROVE PHASE. In this issue, I will share with you how to use Control Lot and Testing and Pilot the Action / Solution in carry out this TQM project using the D.A.I.C. Methodology as described in my previous article.

Just to recap, tools used in the IMPROVE Phase are listed below. I will deal with tools that are in bold:

Brainstorming of action / solution | Selection Grid | Benchmarking | Cost-Benefit Analysis | Control lot and testing | Pilot the action / solution | Force-Field Analysis | Prevention Planner

How to use Control Lot and Testing

This tool is particularly useful to verify if the corrective action / solution is able to meet the team's objective. It is also used to confirm certain control parameter of changes in process. If the control lot is to verify process capability, then the parameter of this control lot must meet the desire process capability as well.

Let's see how to do it. In a coating line, the team has decided to change the belt speed of a conveyor line but not sure what level of speed is most optimized to obtain the best coating thickness control. A control lot in this case will be run with various speed adjusted manually. At each speed, the coating thickness is recorded. At the end of the control lot / testing, a correlation is done to verify which speed yield the most optimum coating thickness. All these test is done in a controlled environment.

Once the control lot is satisfied, record the optimized belt speed, them the team is ready for a larger lot in full production mode and some controlled environment.

Pilot the solution

Pilot run is a common practice for a new product resting. For this D.A.I.C. Methodology, we use it to double sure changes to the production parameters are well implemented. The objective if this tool is to implement the optimized belt speed during full production run. However, the volume of run is much lesser and more attention is given to ensure the new speed is communicated and set for the pilot production run.

As the production lot for the pilot run is more compared to a control lot, care should be given to ensure all new belt speed is set accordingly. Due to the fact that this is like a full production run, team need to put extra attention to any drastic changes to other production parameters. During the pilot run, team would record the effect of the pilot run in terms of coating thickness and other quality specifications. Once it is confirmed, it is considered as successful.

In summary, this IMPROVE PHASE Control lot and testing and Pilot the action / solution would be critical to prevent any unwanted element occurred when a solution is put in placed for production. This is the "hardware" of the solution. In most case, it can be tested and adjusted until satisfactory. However, this alone does not guarantee the success of the improvement project. The human factor or the "software" within the process must be addressed in order to ensure full implementation of the proposed solution. In my next article, I will share with you how this can be accomplished with the last two tools of the IMPROVE PHASE i.e. Force-Field Analysis and Prevention Planner


Disclaimer All rights reserved. This article is written by the author based on his practical application experience. All definitions and interpretation of terminology are his point of view and has it has no intention to conflict with experts in similar topic. The author holds no responsibility for the use of this article in any way.


Free to reprint or re-publish All rights reserved. You are free to reprint or re-publish this article as long as you include my resource box at the end of this article. Please ensure that the URL in the resource box remain intact and it is linked to the author's website.


Resource Box: About the Author, LM Foong

The author provides consulting services specializing in TQM Implementations in manufacturing and service sector. He provides facilitation workshops and hands-on application in Cost Reduction and Productivity Improvement projects. He publishes TQM articles, ebooks, case studies, trainer manual and presentation slides. Please click To View Free TQM articles or Please Visit my Web Site for other TQM related matters...

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