Monday, June 23, 2008

Tqm Implementation Project Part 1b The Define Phase How To Overcome Issues

Writen by LM Foong

This TQM article is a continuation of the article titled: TQM Implementation Project published on 13-May-2006. This issue is part 1b of the article. It will deal with the "How to Overcome Issues" pertaining to the application of DEFINE phase of the D.A.I.C. methodology described in the article. I will not be honest if I do not share with you difficulties faced with the team or me in carry out these projects.

As I have indicated in my overview TQM article titled: TQM Implementation Project, that there are several projects that were used this D.A.I.C. to complete the improvement projects. While most of the projects were successfully completed, Listed below is a case study of common problem faced with team leaders and member during the DEFINE Phase of the projects.

Just to recap, tools used in the DEFINE Phase are :

Brainstorming | Multi-Voting | Selection Grid | Problem Statement

Case Study in Brainstorming
During Brainstorming, team need to select a project by generating a list of ideas for the project. While all teams were able to generate a long list of idea for their project, team leader faced with too long a list to deal with.

Because of the long list, team leader would require to narrow down the number of ideas in the list. While attempted to do so, team leader sometime unknowingly, would normally suggest to drop some of the ideas given by members. That upset some of the members. Their argument is that since the rule allows members to give any idea, team leader should not drop any of them. To avoid unnecessary conflict, team leader often leave those idea in the list.

How to overcome Brainstorming issues
To avoid unnecessary time spend on cleaning up the list, team leader can set some ground rules before a Brainstorming session is held. Just like in a football match, ground rules was given to the players before the game starts to avoid unnecessary conflicts in the even of players not following certain rules.

On the same token, to select a project using Brainstorming tool, team leader can set some basic ground rules such as:
• Set the boundary of the ideas e.g. limit to production issue,
• Team leader to ensure relevant members are in the brainstorming
• Ask for permission to Stratify ideas of similar nature

Case Study in Multi-Voting
When the brainstormed list of ideas is too long, team leader has to lead the team to use Multi-Voting to narrow down the list. This is quite a straightforward tool to use. However, there are problem encountered by the team. During this process, a 10 point is given for each member to allocate to ideas they like to be selected. Some member would allocate all the 10 points to one single idea hence affected the overall choice of select from a few ideas. Due to heavy point allocated to one single item, chance is this ideas will be ranked highest.

How to overcome Multi-Voting issues
To avoid lop-sided allocation, ground rule for Multi-Voting need to be established. before it takes placed. It could be overcome by the following rules:

• Set maximum half the total point allocated to each member for one single item. E.g. maximum 5 point for a 10 point allocation
• Agree to minimum number of idea to be allocated with point e.g. 3
• Tally the total number of point allocated by each member to ascertain all the 10 points are used

Case Study in Selection Grid
Scenario a) There were incident that too many selection criteria was raised. All of them seem important to be included. Thus it ended up having 8 selection criteria. The team had hard time to do this tools effectively especially toward the tail end of the process.

Scenario b) Team rate the importance of the selection criteria to each ideas almost similar. Hence, at the end of the process, the tool cannot differential the ranking.

Scenario c) There is big difference of score for the same criteria and same idea with between members. Hence, members spend a lot of time debating who is correctly used the tool

How to overcome Selection Grid issues
Again, to avoid all the unnecessary confusion and rework, a clear guideline to the proper used of tools must be established. Issue pertaining to this tool could be overcome by the following rules:

• Understand how to use this tools from the facilitator
• Limit the number of selection criteria to 3 to 5
• Clarify the meaning of each selection criteria to ensure all member has the same understanding.
• Clarify when to use the lowest and when to use the highest score. E.g. use lowest score of 1 for unfavorable selection and highest score of 5 for favorable selection

Case Study in Problem Statement
Most of the difficulties in this stage is to construct a statement that is simple and easily understood.

How to overcome Problem Statement issues
• Keep it simple. Write exactly what is meant to be instead of try to construct a perfect statement.
• Use point form when necessary
• Seek member's understanding and simplify as you go along
• Last venue is to seek help from facilitator or sponsor

In summary, spend enough time to clarify this DEFINE Phase such that team do not have to come back to this phase half way down the progress of the project

Free to reprint or re-publish
All rights reserved. You are free to reprint or re-publish this article as long as you include my resource box at the end of this article. Please ensure that the URL in the resource box remain intact and it is linked to the author's website.

Resource Box: About the Author, LM Foong

The author holds a MBA major in TQM. He is an expert in Malcolm Baldrige Business Framework and Baldrige Assessment and TQM Implementations in manufacturing and service sector. He facilitates workshops and Cost Reduction and Productivity Improvement projects. He publishes TQM articles, ebooks, case studies, trainer manual and presentation slides available at More TQM articles or Please Visit my Web Site.

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